The Steve Jobs You Didn't Know

Fast Company published an adaption from the upcoming book Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart Into a Revolutionary Leader by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli. 

"Steve cared," Cook continues. "He cared deeply about things. Yes, he was very passionate about things, and he wanted things to be perfect. And that was what was great about him. A lot of people mistook that passion for arrogance. He wasn’t a saint. I’m not saying that. None of us are. But it’s emphatically untrue that he wasn’t a great human being, and that is totally not understood.

I can't wait to read this new book about Steve Jobs, it's just getting positive review after positive review. John Gruber at Daring Fireball gave a glowing review of the book after reading a pre-release copy.

The book is smart, accurate, informative, insightful, and at times, utterly heartbreaking. Schlender and Tetzeli paint a vivid picture of Jobs the man, and also clearly understand the industry in which he worked. They also got an astonishing amount of cooperation from the people who knew Jobs best: colleagues past and present from Apple and Pixar — particularly Tim Cook — and his widow, Laurene Powell Jobs.

It will certainly be refreshing to hear him portrayed as a three dimensional character and not just the ranting figurehead of Apple in the Isaacson book.